The rumors are being put to bed, but to even float them is insanity.
Daniel Jones is the new quarterback in town for the Indianapolis Colts. Whether he will serve as the team’s backup or starter is yet to be determined. After signing a hefty contract on a one-year deal, the idea to to have him compete with Anthony Richardson for the starting spot. Ideally, Richardson will elevate his game and take this franchise to new heights. Jones, however, sees this as his best opportunity to salvage his career and get another crack at leading a team. We don’t know what will happen, but any mention of whether Richardson should consider or request a trade is ridiculous.
To start, Richardson’s agent immediately shut that down stating his client is not seeking a trade. That is good to hear, and while I believe it, that is how most trades start. Deny and then change course. I don’t think that is the case here at all, but to even consider a trade, especially at this point, makes zero sense.
Richardson is not a polished product. He doesn’t have fifteen years under his belt. He has the equivalent of one full season played over the last two. He is still raw and coming off an abysmal season regarding his passing percentage. To think he would be safe from competition or being pushed would be arrogant at best. He hasn’t earned that luxury. Asking for a trade and watching him force his way out of town after the slightest amount of pressure gets applied would be an extremely bad look. Richardson is better than that.
A trade now makes no sense, and that rumor has thankfully been shut down. That doesn’t mean it couldn’t rear it’s ugly head again at some point in the season. If Jones is given command of the offense at any point through a Richardson demotion or injury and produces at a high level, Richardson may no longer have a future in Indianapolis. At that point, expect both parties to come together to find a way to get him into a new situation. If the Colts won’t come to the table willingly, then the trade demands might start.
For now, the trade talk blew up for a minute but died down almost as quickly. Anthony Richardson needs to be pushed. He can’t take this opportunity for granted and believe it is his job no matter what. Say what you will about the contract, but bringing in Daniel Jones could be a major plus. Push Richardson or see if you have a bona fide starter with Jones. The situation could work out well. On the other hand…